Bone health has been a topic that I've been thinking about since I turned 40 and I've been doing quite a bit of research on it. In today's post I will be sharing "tidbits" and providing links if you too would like to delve deeper into this subject. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments at the end.
Do I just need more calcium?

Your doctor has probably recommended that you take calcium pills to reduce your risk of getting osteoporosis, but did you know that calcium is just one of 17 nutrients in our bones? Some of these vitamins and minerals include phosphorous, magnesium, silica, zinc, manganese, copper, boron, Vitamin K1, K2, Vitamin D, just to name a few! In order to insure that our bones are healthy we need to focus on consuming more fruits and vegetables because they contain the most nutrients for strengthening our bones. Eating at least 5 to 8 servings a day of fruits and vegetables will do it. And it's really not that hard to do either...have some fruit with your breakfast, a salad with your lunch, snack on fruit, dried fruit and raw veggies, then have a salad and cooked veggies with your dinner. You will make your bones very happy if you do! Sometimes when I'm trying to incorporate a new healthy habit in my life I make a daily chart and give myself stars when I've done the activity. It may seem juvenile to you, but it works for me! (Maybe I will share some of what's on my chart in the next posting ;))

Are you a big meat eater?
Why is it that women in countries that don't eat much animal protein tend to have less bone fractures than those of us living in the Western World? What I've learned is that when we eat animal protein (which is an acid producing food) our blood has to re balance our pH levels to make them go back to a normal pH level and it does that by taking calcium, magnesium and other vital minerals from our bones!! (This was a very eye-opening fact for me.) So when we eat a diet high in meat we are actually losing some of the necessary calcium and other nutrients that our bones need to be strong. Now I'm not promoting that we all become vegetarians (I like meat too!), but I do think we need to be more aware of what we are choosing to consume (and know how to re balance our pH levels when we do enjoy our Sunday steak). If you like to listen to podcasts check this out: http://www.peoplespharmacy.com/2010/09/04/752-bone-vitality/ Michael Castleman talks about calcium, protein, etc.
If you would like to read more about this topic try: http://www.NaturalNews.com/025295_health_natural_body.html (You'll need to copy and paste these links.)
So what's the deal with Acid vs. Alkaline Forming Foods?

We should be eating 60% alkaline forming foods and 40% acid forming foods. If we do that, then we won't be losing so much calcium from our bones. To read more about this and get a great list of acid and alkaline forming foods go to www.rense.com/1.mpicons/acidalka.htm

Exercise for strong bones
Of course I can't forget to mention how important it is to exercise to maintain good bone health! The easiest and most convenient exercise is walking. And after a good walk it's great to come home and do a few exercises using a light set of hand weights for strengthening the upper body.
So there you have it...eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, go easy on the meat and exercise every day. You can do it! I'm here to cheer you on!!