Who, What
This is my first post to "Not your momma's menopause"...Yipee! It's designed for women ages 40 - 60, but really anyone can read it, enjoy it and hopefully learn something new and interesting. I'll be talking about ways to stay fit and healthy during these important years. I know that I am having a way better experience with menopause than my mother and most of her friends had. I truly believe it has a lot to do with attitude, diet and exercise. So, welcome aboard as we start this journey together!My first tip is...upon awakening in the morning do something positive like thanking God for giving you another day to enjoy. Banish any of your negative thinking by replacing those thoughts with sentences that start with "I can..." and "I will..." (my favorites are "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" Philippians 4:13 and "I will trust you Jesus with my life today.") What are some of your favorite things to say to yourself in the morning? Why don't you make a comment and share them with the rest of us?! I know that some of us can think of at least 10 negative things before even opening up one eye...but what good is that going to do except put some more wrinkles on our faces!
Let's help and encourage one another in this journey of life. And it's okay to laugh at ourselves too! My daughter Gloria gave me a card for my birthday that showed a little girl just about to take a step onto a pier and it said..."before you walk the path toward the next phase of life's journey, I will ask the question every woman must consider...Do you gotta go potty first?"! Yep, that would be me! Ha Ha! Gotta love those Hallmark cards!
(Annette Robidoux for Hallmark)
Next blog topic
"Tune" into my next post where I plan on discussing bone health.
Just testing out the comment box as someone said it wasn't working...let's see!